24. Solution: List and Membership Operators

Quiz: List Indexing

Here is a good code line to use for this task:

num_days = days_in_month[month - 1]```

### Quiz: Slicing Lists
Here is a good code line to use for this task:


Quiz Question 3

Here are our explanations for the answers shown below:

sentence1 is a string, and is therefore an immutable object. That means that while you can refer to individual characters in sentence1 (e.g., you can write things like sentence1[5]) you cannot assign value to them (you cannot write things like sentence1[5] = 'a'). Therefore the third expression (sentence1[30]="!") will result in an error.

sentence2 is a list, and lists are mutable, meaning that you can change the value of individual items in sentence2:

  • In the first expression (sentence2[6]="!") we changed the value of the last item in sentence2 from "." to "!".
  • In the second expression (sentence2[0]= "Our Majesty") we changed the value of the first item in sentence2 from "I" to "Our Majesty".
  • In the last expression (sentence2[0:2] = ["We", "want"]) we used slicing to simultaneously change the value of both the first and the second item in sentence2 from "I" and "wish" to "We" and "want".